Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 27: Vomit--Asenemaso

There's nothing quite like sickness in Africa. It's absolutely miserable. The combination of the heat, sweat, and pain almost makes it completely unbearable. I wasn't the only one who suffered: Alex and Matt were going through the same thing I was. Vomiting all night long, back to back. I haven't thrown up since I was in 8th grade and I had forgotten how unpleasant it is. Alex, Matt, and I had tuna sandwiches at the Kakum Rainforest Cafe yesterday, so we know what the cause of our anguish is. I wish we could have been smarter about what we ate. Looking back on yesterday, it was so obvious that the food was suspicious. Oh well, you live and learn. Vomiting twice, an upset stomach, and exhausation will definitley teach you to be cautious about what youe at. Unlike the first time I got sick in Ghana, I could have prevented this illness (the first time was adjustment to Africa and I was not vomiting). I don't think I would normally beat myself up so much if my illness didn't affect someone else.

I had to skip everything today, including class. I feel so terrible that mike had to teach alone today. Especially since I was supposed to make lesson plans, which I obviously didn't do. So he had to wing it, alone. But Amanda said he was worried, not upset that he had to each alone. That took a huge weight off my chest. To know that the team was concerned for me gave me agreat sense of security. And Kat, Kate, Blake, and Kelsey all visited me this afternoon. Kat even brought me ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) packets! Their love and care made me feel way better, especially after being alone all day. I just makes me that much more excited to see them tomorrow.

I knew God would change me during my time in Africa, but I wasn't sure how. I think I know now. He's showing me how much I need my brothers and sisters in Christ. I desperately need Him and His church. Before Ghana, I prided myself in my independence and my belief that I didn't need anyone, even God. I seriously thought that I could get through life wihtout depending on anyone or anything except myselt. What a by-product of American culture. To only think that I needed God in hard times was rubbish. I need HIm all the time, through the good times and the bad times. I am lost wihtout Him, I am weak without Him, I am nothing without Him. I give all of myself to Him and rely on Him for everything. He is my Father, my strength, my shepherd, my all in all.

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