Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 36: Necklace--Asenemaso

I have been captivated by the women from the North. Being with them has enriched my soul and strengthened my relationship with God. Christ is shining through them with the radiance of the African sun rays. The presence of the Spirit was so strong today that I became overwhelmed. We didn't do anything special, just interviewed more of the women. We met three teenage girls today who are here away from their families. They traveled here to make money but have not been back to see their families. My heart broke for them as they told us they were praying for us to help them. God was definitely sparking a fire in the hearts of myself and Amanda. How can we turn these amazing women away? I want to give them all they need and more, especially after the other gifts they gave us. Yes, they gave us more! One women came up to Pastor with a small envelope in her hands. After a short exchange of words, Pastor pulled out a necklace and a pair of earrings. The necklace was very small and simple with black and white beads. As the beads drew nearer to the center, they became bigger. The necklace met at a small sunburst charm with a picture of Jesus. She gave this to me. Immediately, my eyes welled with tears and I was speechless. We could do nothing but embrace her with love and humility. Never before have I felt this humble. Never before have I been so welcomed with warmth and love. Never before have I been among women who I respect so much more than myself. Their strength keeps them alive and I am taken back at their character. I cannot wrap my mind around the love they are showing us. What's also spectacular is that God is equipping me with the words and strength I need. Back to the necklace...Upon reflection yesterday, I decided I would need something to represent my spiritual growth that I have experienced on this trip. I was thinking I would get a necklace or a bracelet. When that woman handed me the necklace, I wanted to fall and weep at the undeniable presence of God. I knew He was speaking to me at that moment, saying "you belong here." I've never been so sure of anything in my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is so incredibly beautiful. I almost cry at every single one of your posts because every word you write helps remind me that God is alive and working. I miss you and can't wait to see you

Joshua Stewart