Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 34: Worth--Asenemaso

It's great to love again. Looking through the lens of love changes your perception on everything in life, not just in Africa. But I saw love everywhere I looked today. Teaching went well, and many of my students came to the library. Even though we didn't watch a movie like we are supposed to, I was able to read to three of my students. Rather, they read to me. It was such a relief to know that my students can actually read on their own. That sounds like a sad statement, but it's a very good surprise, especially with the education system here. And what a sad system it is. All the problems here stem largely from the government and most of the solutions to those problems lie with that great amount of power. Yet, the real solution is our love from Christ. He is the only one who has the power of redemption and change. So in our work here, either on working with the local or working with the government, we must do it in love.

Even after my time here, I still think I want to work with governments but also empowering the locals. I believe that my real passion is working with girls and women on becoming more independent. It is vital to empower girls around the world by showing them that they are worth more than gold to God. It is through our Father where a woman's worth stems from. In so many cases throughout the world, women give their lives to men because they are searching for love, worth, and belonging. It's a natural human instinct to find constant love and feel worth but so many of us turn to each other to fulfill this desire. While this may last for a short while, there is only one source where we are unconditionally satisfied: Christ. I have had a long and dark struggle in finding worth and real love. But it was only until I gave that desire to God that I realized what true love really is. Christ is the love and in Him I have found all the worth and love I will ever need. The empowerment this has given me has changed my life because I only rely on God for the needs of my soul. I am a woman of strength and I seek justice with the sword of the Spirit. I want girls and women around the world to know this strength and endurance in God. The truth will set them free from the bonds of abusive relationships and a restless and unrelenting search for love. Christ is all we need.

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