Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 28: Comfort--Asenemaso

Our God is a god of comfort. Last night, I had a dream that all the flights from Accra to New York were booked until September. I woke up in a panic and anxiety began to take over. But then I realized that I have no control over the situation and that I need to rely solely on God. After prayer and scripture, I felt much more at ease but the stress was still ingering. After all, my flight to Seattle is July 3. That gives me 2 edays from my planned arrival from Ghana! But I do have three days before July 1 to get to Phoenix. Even after praying and meditating, I still feel anxious. It's very difficult to not worry and give up everything for God, but I am trying. God is derfinitely telling me that the situation is not in my control but in His. I know He will take care for me and He will provide me with all that I need. It is only Him I rely on, only Him I trust in, and only Him I seek realy comfor from. But the pressures of the world always get in the way and can steer us from a pasisonate relationship with Christ. Even in Africa, it's difficult ro relase the anxiety and stress brought on by this world. But I have to. God is the only one I serve, no one else. I cannot give into my worries and troubles, for He will take care of me. I am His precious daughter and He loves me eternally. He will give me peace, security, and comfrot. He already started to do this.

My friendship with Amanda has blossomed throughout our time in Africa and we're helping each other grow in the Lord. We've come to the realizaiton that certain people in our lives have served as a substitute for God and that we can't serve 2 masters. We're coming to know what it really means to fall in love with God, the sacrifices that are required, and what our future coud hold. And indirectly, she's helping me heal. It sill astounds me how God equips us to hold each other up and hlep us through the rough times. Without each other, where would we be? Community is so important; I'm realizing that more and more everday. Without these wonderful people here, I would literally go insane. I need them. God knew I would need them, so He sent them down to help me up. So even though God hasn't sent me a dream verifying that I will fly into Phoenix before July 2, He has sent me my sister in Christ who gives me great comfort. After all, why am I complaining? There's a lot worse things that could be happening to me.

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