Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 12: STC Station--Accra

After a long journey, Kat and I are here waiting for Frank to pick us up. We feel slightly terrible about asking him to come get us at this hour, but Kat and I aren't in the best health. She's been sick with a cough and a running nose (among other things). I'm afraid I got it, too. I fainted in church today! It wasn't too serious because Evelyn and Kat caught me on my way down. We think it's because of dehydration brought on by my illness. So Evelyn took me home and I drank four liters of ORS (electrolyte replacement), then rested for most of the afternoon. I was so disappointed that I had to miss the woman's meeting: they did a welcome dance for Kat! But she said the entire meeting was in the local language, so she didn't understand it. We did get the interviews we wanted, thank God. I wanted to attend the meeting so bad, but I think God was trying to tell me to just trust in Him and trust in others. I'm so accustomed to doing things on my own that it sometimes becomes strange to do things with other people.

Evelyn freaked me out today: while she was taking me home from church, she asked me if I had taken my malaria medication. I definitely have been taking it, but she gave me quite a scare. So I've been praying ever since, but I must not worry too much because Kat had the same symptoms, only mine are worse. Let's hope it's not malaria!

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