Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 13: Unwelcome--Accra

Matt and Amanda flew in tonight and it was so great to see them! I didn't realize how much I had missed my friends until I saw them. They just arrived from spending a week in the UK and Scotland. Amanda is in love with it and wants to move there eventually. I am now interested in visiting Western Europe. I always have been, but I have been more interested in other places because they are still developing. Maybe someday I will visit there.

We found out today that an American who stayed with Bertha (Dr. Boeteng's daughter) last year left a very bad impression on her. He lied, stole, and complained the entire time he was there. No wonder she wasn't too excited for us to come. It hurts and angers me that one person can ruin experiences for another. I wish Americans would understand that when they are traveling, they are representing for the rest of the people from their country. Why can't people be respectful and understanding when they are in another culture? Hopefully, our entire team will represent God in the way He wants us to.

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