Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 21: Refreshed--Asenemaso

Just when I was starting to get annoyed with Ghanaian culture, God brought down relief and refreshed my spirit. For the first three weeks I was here, I was so pumped about everything Ghana had to offer and I was loving the culture. But for the last few days, things were starting to annoy me. At first, I loved walking down the street and having everyone trying to talk to you. But now, I just want to walk down the street without everyone staring at me. In the beginning, the loud culture and constant noise fascinated me. Now, I just want a few moments of silence. I didn't mind the street vendors doubling the price because I'm white but now, I'm fed up with being judged. I just need to accept that Ghana is a completely different culture, but that's easier said than done. I thought I was doing really well adjusting, so it's very hard for me to admit that I'm not absolutely in love with everything in Ghana. But that's one of the many reasons I need God.

Without Him, I wouldn't be able to look at Ghana and see God shining brightly through the people and culture. Without Him, this whole trip doesn't make any sense. Through worldly lens, I'm insane. What benefit am I getting out of this trip. But with one simple addition, it all comes together. Nothing that's a part of our universe is feasible without God. Our very existence isn't even justified without Him. How very lost and broken our world would be without the presence of the Spirit. I should say how even more lost and broken we'd be, for we are a damaged place. And it's only through His love that we can be saved.

The cooks became my genuine friends tonight. Avida, Frieda, Annietta, her sister, and Esther are all around my age. Avida simply called me over to the group and the love began. Before long, we were holding hands and talking about their boyfriends. I'm so excited that real relationships are starting. Lorna and I already decided we're going to hang out with them while we're here. After all, Amanda and I already showed them pictures of our life back home.

Today was our first day of teaching and we have a 5th grade class. The kids are at a much lower level than I thought, but Mike and I work well with the kids. We bounce off each other very well and I'm actually finding teaching to be enjoyable. Could God be calling me somewhere new? As long as I listen, He'll speak to me.

I can't wait to really get to know the girls here in the community. Me, Lorna, and Dani are talking bout combining our projects (girls group, yoga, and creative writing). I certainly hope so!

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