Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 6: Follow--Wa

I think I'm really starting to grasp Jesus' message. Most people kind of get it, but I know He calls us to give up EVERYTHING in this world to follow Him. I'm beginning to realize that I can actually do that; I can go where I'm called. And not a two month mission trip, I need to be among the oppressed for the rest of my life. There should be no distance between me and the poor. I need to become one of them so that I may fight with them, not for them.

Kat and I walked around town without Evelyn, and we're feeling invited into their community through their warmth. I'm beginning to believe that Americans are the real poor in this world; Africans are in absolute poverty, but their value of community is astounding. Americans pride themselves in independence and lack community; they become alone with all their expensive stuff. I need to live like the African, depending on my brothers and sisters in Christ. I need to release the desire to be completely independent and rely completely on Christ.

The rain here is quite symbolic: the change in myself to give up everything and REALLY follow Him. Not just giving up my material things, but worries of this world. With God, all things are possible.


Ollie32 said...

You Go Megan!!! I'm proud of you...To follow Christ will cost us everything but it is so worth it!!! Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called His children and we know His thoughts towards us are for good since He delights to give us the desires of our Heart. You are ok after all :)

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Megan! I am so encouraged by your daily postings. God is revealing so much to you, and I'm so glad. I wish we all could be experiencing this and learn that crucial lesson:
1. being God's disciple means holding to ALL his teachings, including dropping everything and taking up His cross. I love how you said that leaving things include not only the material ties, BUT also the emotional baggage of worry and faithlessness. AMEN
I'm so proud of you and am glad that I get a chance to learn from your experiences too!

-Morgan McClelland