Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 14: Crystalline Hotel--Accra

The rest of our team is finally here and how awesome it is to see them! They are going through the same process as Kat and I went through and it's so intriguing to watch their initial reactions. They are fascinated by women carrying everything on their heads, while Kat and I have grown accustomed to it. Watching them try and drink out of water satchels is quite humorous. Today was quite a trial by error day. With the help of Laurence, Kat and I led the entire team throughout the whole day. We arranged a private trotro, picked them up, found and reserved a hostel, and reserved our bus tickets for tomorrow. I think God is trying to tell me that I can really emerge as an effective leader. With the help of others, I can utilize my strengths and lead a group. I hope I am becoming the leader God wants me to be.

Mike got in today and he has great stories from Sudan. He has an opportunity to be employed by Angels of East Africa, a mercenary group that runs orphanages in the war torn regions of Sudan. And I mean real mercenaries: employees of the organization carry guns and they have two goals: run the orphanage and kill Joseph Conney (the leader of the LRA). Mike was discussing the Christian dilemma he's facing, much like Bonhoeffer and Hitler. In the Bible, we are taught to be pacifists and that violence is never the answer. But in certain and special circumstances like Joseph Conney and Hitler, does God still want us to be pacifists? To me, the answer is very clear. No matter how evil or possessed we think one individual is, we aren't to judge them. We leave that up to God and our job is to love them as Christ loved them. As much as we want vengeance, vengeance is Gods and only Gods. Plus, no one is beyond Christ's redemption. No one. Christ's sacrifice saved everyone's soul and in the same way, it can win over their hearts and redeem them. Maybe they are very far from God, but they are never too far. Terrorists, pedophiles, rapists, torturers, murders, and liars are all saved by the Lord's grace. Let us pray for their hearts to be transformed by the love of Christ.

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