Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 18: Epiphany--Asenemaso

Today was a day of realization and newly found truths. I discovered who God is calling me to serve for this trip. Originally, I wanted to work with the women in Asenemaso by building a network of women supporting each other. In simpler terms, it would be like a self-help, small group. But spending time here in Asenemaso has shown me that the sense of community is very strong. People are involved in each others lives. While were were sitting around today, God's plan hit me when I looked as Asha: I am to work with the girls of Asenemaso and act as their mentor. Women in Ghana aren't as valued as men are. It's not as bad as other places, but sometimes girls don't go to school because of expenses. Families send their sons to school while their daughters stay home and work around the house. I want to start a group for girls where I act as their cheerleader, role model, and counselor. I want to either work with another teacher of Frieda (the chief's maid) so that they can continue the group after I'm gone. I came to realize this because of the way the girls are drawn to us. God was definitely speaking to me when Asha pointed to me and said, "I want her to be my teacher." I'm so excited about leading small groups with the girls. I'm excited about teaching, too. I know work like this is my calling because I'm actually looking forward to working in the community.

We also went to a funeral today, but funerals here are much different from funerals in the US. They're celebrations of life, not grievances. When someone dies, the entire community is invited, even if you didn't know the honored person. There are so many people are funerals, usually hundreds. There's alcohol, dancing, eating, and honoring the deceased. It's a big party! I wish all funerals were like they are here. It's so refreshing to celebrate a person's life and honoring them with happiness and joy. It also shows that we're happy for their next step, heaven. IT also struck me that nothing is formal at funerals, it's just a big party. That's pretty much how life is here, just a great party where people join in to have a good time with their loved ones.

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